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Wee Talk: Providing Private, Family-Centred Speech-Language Pathology Services in Fort McMurray, AB.
What is a Speech-Language Pathologist?
Speech-Language Pathologists are university-educated, clinically trained, and registered health care professionals who work with people of all ages experiencing communication difficulty. They assess communication disorders, plan and implement treatment for a variety of speech and language disorders, counsel clients and their families, and design and use augmentative and alternative communication systems. Some of the communication disorders a Speech-Language Pathologist may work with include: speech sound delays (articulation/phonological delays), language delays, voice disorders, fluency disorders (stuttering), and feeding and swallowing disorders. They may also treat communication delays associated with autism, Down Syndrome, hearing loss, or other neurological impairments. For more information on Speech-Language Pathology, refer to Alberta Speech-Language Association of Private Practitioners, Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, or Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists.
Wee Talk is a pediatric-based private practice with a focus on children from birth to 6 years of age. Assessment, treatment and consultation services are available for a variety of speech and language delays/disorders. All sessions are designed and implemented by the Speech-Language Pathologist. Treatment space is limited so please call or email to check availability.
Carrie Danku, R.SLP, CCC-SLP is a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist who has 16 years of experience working with children and families. With a focus on early speech and language development, she will work with your family to improve your child's speech and language skills.
Fee for Service
The hourly rate for service is $130.00/hour for assessment, therapy, consultation, and meeting time. In addition, there are fees for report writing, treatment preparation, telephone consultations, letters, and travel. This is within the average range listed by The Alberta Speech-Language Association of Private Practitioners (ASAPP) of $120.00-$180.00/hour.
Many group insurance plans cover at least a portion of the cost of private speech and language services which are usually listed under "Speech Therapy". Please contact your insurance provider to discuss your eligibility for fee coverage. Alberta Health Care does not provide coverage for private speech and language therapy; however, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency will accept fees paid to a private Speech-Language Pathologist as a tax-deductible medical expense.
weetalk@shaw.ca | (780) 792-7266